
This was a school assignment. We had to work in a team consisting of two artists and two programmers.
I worked together with Hannes Sap, Vincent Vangeel and Bram Molenaar
This game was made using Microsoft's XNA 4.0 Framework (C#) in Microsoft Visual Studio 2012.
In this game, you have to get through the labyrinth, and try to find the children who have been captured by Hades.
Once you found them, you can rescue them, by taking them out of their cages and carrying them outside.
BUT! Hades knows of your intent. He will try and stop you, by roaming around in his labyrinth. One of his tricks
to knock you off your feet, is that he lets his labyrinth move from time to time, so you'd never know where to go.
Another trick of his, is that he isn't affected by this at all! He can slide through walls to surprise you!
Be brave, hold your head high, but thread carefully and don't get caught!

I was responsible for the level, the UI and the enemy:
Level loading, using xml.
Writing an algorithm so the level is dynamic and ever changing. (check it out here)
Pathfinding for enemy (A* pathfinding algorithm).
Main menu, ingame menu, HUD.
Support for multiple resolutions.

I was also partly responsible for the shaders, but Hannes did most of that,
I just helped him get started so he could work on it by himself.
