Ruben Originals

When I can find some time, or when I feel creative, I try to make some music.
On this page, I will put all of the songs that I made or that are currently in progress.
Please, do not use this music anywhere. If you do want to use my music, send me a message.
I'm on Facebook, Twitter, or you can just e-mail me at

WR - Quick Try Melody

WR - Haha

WR - Pfft XD

WR - Muhaha Beat

WR - Lol

WR - I Think I Need Some Time To Refuel

WR - A New Beginning

WR - Happy

WR - I'm Back, Hehe

WR - Hehehe

WR - Funny Guy

WR - Sounds Bit Creepy

WR - Omoshiroi

WR - Try Not To Get Dizzy

WR - Starts Off Chinese But Ends Up Something Else