Goat of the Mountain

This was a fun project to be working on. We made this game with a team of 5 people,
consisting of two programmers ( Sven Roels, and myself), and three artists (Sacha Claeys,
Stan Loiseaux, and Tom Loux), using Unity3D (C#). The goal was to make a game, ready to be
played on computers as well as tablets. It was my first time programming for tablets, but
it was fun.

In this game, you play a mountain goat, and you have to defend your mountain against
people who want to claim your mountain as their own. You have to run around the mountain,
making sure nobody reaches the top, where they want to place their flag. All around the
mountain, you will find little shacks. You can take over those little shacks to get a special
ability. When you take over the four shacks on the bottom of the mountain, a small goat will
come to your aid. When you take over the three shacks on the middle of the mountain, your horns
will get huge, and you will get a speedboost. However! You can take over those shacks, BUT! so
can the enemy! Once they take over one of the shacks, hikers will come out of them, and make it
more difficult for you to keep the enemy at bay. You are no ordinary goat though! You can trigger
a massive earthquake on your mountain, and you can also perform a rain dance which will make it
rain and wash all enemies away!
The goal of the game is to last as long as possible, and compete with your friends.

I was responsible for:
The enemies
Making sure all animations played properly
Coming up with, and implementing a fun mechanic for the shacks that are on the mountain
Helping out with the paths for the player and the enemies
Finding and implementing all sound effects
Implementing the powerup-system
Getting it to work on android tablets (implementing touch input)
Saving and loading of language and screen preferences on computer
Implementing all menus, the HUD, and the game over screen
